Early Modern World History
This seminar grows out of the Comparative Social and Cultural History Seminar, founded in the 1980s by Peter Burke (Emeritus Professor of Cultural History) and the late Bob Scribner. In line with developments in scholarship, the seminar has evolved a more global approach to the early modern and often highlights new work on encounters and exchanges. Our programme usually includes a mixture of full-length papers given by distinguished speakers and roundtable events. We are especially keen to hear suggestions from our graduates of historians to invite and topics to discuss.
This research seminar is complemented by a workshop alternating week by week throughout the term. Contact email, mtc12@cam.ac.uk (Melissa Calaresu).
We are grateful for the support of the Trevelyan Fund.
Rediscovering Popular Culture
Hello from Beijing: Jean Baptiste Boyer’s Epistolary Novel Lettres chinoises of 1739–40 and its Use of Genres
Of foreigners and moonlighters: Local agents as European consuls in the early modern Mediterranean (16th-18th centuries)
Disease, Diagnosis and Slavery in the Middle Passages
Current downloads
Banner image: detail from The Prospect of Constantinople by Melchior Lorck