Modern European History Workshop

The Modern European History (MEH) Workshop is a friendly space where graduate students can present their research and share ideas and thoughts with their peers. Our definition of ‘Modern European’ is broad in time and space, and we welcome papers on themes including the political, cultural, economic, intellectual, social, and military history of Europe from the mid-1800s to the present. We are also keen to see paper proposals on methodological topics and comparative or transnational histories.

We welcome presentations on work in progress and completed projects; we would particularly encourage MPhil and first-year PhD students to consider presenting their work, as the workshop is an excellent place to receive early feedback and meet fellow MEH students. If you are interested in giving a paper, please get in touch with the convenors. Calls for papers are always sent out in between terms.

The term card for Michaelmas 2024 will be released in early October.

Our Michaelmas workshops will run on Thursdays (time and in-person location TBA), with refreshments provided. All events will also be hybrid on Microsoft Teams - links will be disseminated to our mailing list before each session.

More information about the MEH subject group can be found here. Please also follow us on Twitter to be kept up-to-date with the most recent MEH news, events, and publications.

For any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Best wishes,

Your 2024–2025 convenors

Eric Kettmann (, Rebecca Hawkins (, Noam Bizan (