Cultural History Workshop

The Cultural History workshop is a forum that offers a space for Master’s and PhD students to present their research (completed and work-in-progress) to their peers, test new ideas in a supportive environment, and receive informal feedback to improve their work. It has been historically paired with the Modern Cultural History Seminar.

The graduate workshop is intended for students whose research explores the cultural history of all geographic regions from 1700, but members of other faculties are welcome to present and attend. The workshop is open to MPhil and PhD students at Cambridge and, where possible, interested colleagues from other universities.

This year, it will run on alternate Wednesdays at 5pm. Workshops will be held in Cambridge in hybrid form. They will consist of a 30-minute presentation, followed by a 30-minute Q&A.

Convenors, 2024 - 2025

Adam Pountney (
Oleg Morozov (

Subscribe to our mailing list here. The links to join the virtual meetings will be circulated to the workshop mailing list in due course.

Follow us on Twitter! @CamCulturalHist

                                                                      Lent Term Call for Papers: