Libraries, archives, museums, galleries
Library catalogues
- iDiscover: Cambridge University Libraries catalogue. Search library collections and electronic resources from across the university from a single point
- British Library: search nearly 57 million items from the British Library's catalogue
- Library Hub Discover: merged online catalogues of many major university, specialist, and national libraries in the UK and Ireland, comprising c. 52 million records from 204 institutions.
- Library of Congress: catalogue for the collections of what is effectively the US national library
- National Library of Wales: search the collections of the Welsh national library
- National Library of Scotland: search the collections of the Scottish national library
- WorldCat: a network of library content which allows you to search the collections of over 10,000 libraries worldwide
Digital libraries
- Cambridge Digital Library
- Open Research Exeter
- Digital Bodleian
- Harvard University Library Digital Collections
- Gallica Bibliothèque Numérique
- Princeton University Digital Library
- London School of Economics Digital Library
- National Library of Scotland Digital Gallery
- University of York Digital Library
- Library of Congress Digital Collections
- Biblioteca Digital Hispánica
Museums and galleries
- Ashmolean Museum online collections: large range of themed online collections from the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford
- Europeana: paintings, music, films and books from Europe's galleries, libraries, archives and museums
- Fitzwilliam Museum Collections Explorer: search facility for the Fitzwilliam Museum's digitised collections
- Museum of London Collections Online: searchable online library of the museum's collections, includes oral history, costume, printed ephemera, and photographs/art as well as artefacts
- Victoria and Albert Museum Collections: online collections from the Victoria and Albert Museum
- National archive: explore the National archive and more than 2,500 archives
- Archive Grid: a major catalogue of historical documents, personal papers and family history material held in repositories around the world
- Archives Hub: national gateway to descriptions of archives of over 180 UK repositories (including Oxford and Cambridge)
- DANGO (Database of Archives of Non-Governmental Organisations): database of archives of U.K. NGOs since 1945
- ArchiveSearch combined database of archives held throughout Cambridge
- National Archives: website of the UK National Archives, which includes extensive online catalogues and collections; there are in-depth research guides for locating material on particular topics
- National Register of Archives: register of over 44,000 unpublished lists and catalogues, detailing the nature and location of manuscripts and historical records relating to British history; includes research guides for locating material on particular topics
- UK Web Archive: archive of UK websites from 2004 onwards showing evolution over time. Includes specific collections which chart ephemeral but significant information on topics such as the Olympic Games and the UK general election
- U.S. National Archives and Records Administration: website of the U.S. National Archives; includes online exhibits