The Wars of the Roses: 10

The initial success of Richard’s coup was followed by unrest in Wales and in the South and South West of England which grew into a major revolt led by the Duke of Buckingham. As a result, Richard was forced to fall back on his solid body of support in the North of England: his ‘repeat coronation’ was an important part of this process. However, his dependence on the North served to alienate other parts of the kingdom, as the Crowland Chronicle reflects. Speculation about the fate of the princes began early and served to alienate opinion still further; it also helped to unite different groups of opponents in looking for any candidate to replace Richard. Later, Tudor propaganda – not least Shakespeare’s Richard III – would suggest that Henry Tudor was a messianic figure, a saviour waiting in exile for the call to return; this extract suggests that he was happened upon simply as the only alternative claimant available.


J a) Finally, take all these sources together and look at the following statements. For each statement decide to what extent it is supported by the evidence of these extracts. It may be shown to be true; shown to be probably true; shown to be possibly true; shown to be untrue; or not shown (which does not necessarily mean it is not true, merely that no evidence for it has been shown here).

a) Henry VI was personally respected.

  • Definitely true;
  • Probably true;
  • Possibly true;
  • Definitely untrue;
  • Not shown by the evidence.