The Land Economy Collection

The Land Economy Collection

Desks in the Seeley Library

The Seeley Library holds and develops the Land Economy collection. This includes the print books and electronic resources which support the teaching and research of the Land Economy Department.

Print books can be found in two locations within the library. The original collection is grouped together on the mezzanine and all books there have orange labels on the book spines. New purchases are found within the main library collection on the ground floor. 

The print collection is supported by a host of online resources, including ebooks, databases, online journals, and a dedicated Moodle page.

The Seeley welcomes recommendations for new ebook acquisitions by members of the University. 


For more information about the Land Economy collection and relevant online resources, look at the dedicated LibGuide.

Accessing scanned material on Moodle

The Seeley Library provides a selection of scanned material for Land Economy students. If you are enrolled on one of these papers you should have access to our Moodle site. If you don't currently have access but think you should, please get in touch with us and we'll try to get you added as soon as possible!

What you'll find on Moodle... We try to upload scans of anything that we think you may struggle to obtain, for example, a chapter from a book that's out of print with no ebook available.

We must comply with copyright regulations so please note that not everything can be scanned. Further information can be found on the CLA website.

Journals and EJournals

The University holds a range of journals relating to Land Economy, including the role and use of land, real estate, and environment within an economy. It applies particularly the disciplines of economics, law, and planning for the analysis of the governance of land use, urban areas, and interactions with other environmental resources.

Most journals are now available electronically allowing you to access most articles remotely, see the eresources libguide for more information. If there is a journal that you would like to recommend for purchase please contact the library.

Land Economy Dissertations

The Land Economy Department hosts past dissertations on Moodle, please speak to an administrator for access. 

A  comprehensive collection of doctoral dissertations can be found in The University Library.