The Henrician Reformation: 8

Virtual classroom

This is an extract from the report of Dr Richard Layton, one of Cromwell's officials, on the moral and material state of the Priory of Maiden Bradley. It is dated Bristol, 24 August 1535.


7. Which of these statements best conveys the meaning of the passage?

i) The Prior of Maiden Bradley is an old rogue, peddling false relics and seducing every pretty girl he can get his hands on.

ii) Strange and miraculous things are to be seen at Maiden Bradley and here are some of them. The Prior is a family man and has been falsely accused of seducing married women. He actually has official permission from Rome to keep a prostitute, should he so choose.

iii) The truth or otherwise of these relics from Maiden Bradley can be determined by reading scripture. The holy father Prior hopes to marry off his children soon; he always ensued that every girl he had an affair with got a husband.