Megan Renoir

PhD Candidate
Megan Renoir

I am conducting an ESRC-DTP funded research project in collaboration with the Nevada City Rancheria Nisenan Tribe (NCRNT) in Northern California, looking into the history of US land institutions, 19th and 20th century federal Indian policy, and violence against the NCRNT, with the aim of informing and expanding our understanding of the relationships between federalism, Western property institutions and intractable land conflicts.

In addition to my PhD research, I work with the Penn Cultural Heritage Center (UPenn) as a Research Assistant under the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation’s Tribal Recognition Initiative. 

  • Conflict and Peacebuilding
  • Native American and Indigenous Studies
  • 19th and 20th century US history
  • State development and federalism 
  • Land tenure
  • "Whose Peace? Prioritizing Local Perspectives to Inform our Understanding of Peacebuilding Effectiveness,” The Hub for the Study of Hybrid Communication in Peacebuilding, University of Sheffield (UK), December 2023
  • "Changing Perspectives: Correcting the narrative through ethics-driven collaborations and research," 14th Annual Nisenan Heritage Day: Changing Perspectives, Sierra College, CA (USA), November 2023
  • “Research Ethics as Social Justice: How Ethics-Driven Research Collaborations Can Support Native Rights,” Building a Framework for Truth, Grass Valley, CA (USA), June 2023
  • “Recognition as Resilience: How an Unrecognized Indigenous Nation is Using Visibility as a Pathway Towards Restorative Justice,” Homerton College Research Supper, Cambridge (UK), May 2023
  • “Competing Liberalisms, the American Administrative State, and Nisenan Land Conflict in California, 1891 – 1964,” Cambridge American History Workshop, Cambridge (UK), May 2023

Key publications

Renoir, M. and Covert, S., (2024) "Recognition as Resilience: How an Unrecognized Indigenous Nation is Using Visibility as a Pathway Towards Restorative Justice." American Historical Review, Special issue on Histories of Resilience. 

Renoir, M., Kassimatis, S., Coulibaly, A., and Kotsiras, D. (2023) “Whose Peace? Prioritizing Local Perspectives to Inform Our Understanding of Peacebuilding Effectiveness,” in Connaughton, S. and Linabary, J.R., Are we making a difference? Global and local efforts to assess peacebuilding effectiveness. Purdue University. Rowman & Littlefield, USA.