James Sladden
James is a Part Time PhD candidate in History at Darwin College.
His PhD research looks at the 1973 oil shock and the eurodollar market from the perspective of the UK.
Tags & Themes
Centre for Historical Analysis and Conflict Research (CHACR)
Sladden, J., In-Depth Briefing #40: Field Research in Ukraine, The Centre for Historical Analysis and Conflict Research, November 17, 2022.
Connable, B., & Sladden, J., In-Depth Briefing #36: Battle studies: The need for primary source research, The Centre for Historical Analysis and Conflict Research, September 26, 2022.
RAND Publications
James Sladden, “Uncertainty' in National Security Strategy, or, ‘What the Old Lady of Threadneedle Street could teach the Mandarins of Whitehall”, The New Strategist Journal, Changing Character of War Centre Programme, University of Oxford and UK MOD Development, Concepts and Doctrine Centre, March 2016.
James Sladden, ‘Challenging the Commando Shibboleth’, Naval Review Journal, November 2012.