Gill Newton

Visiting Research Affiliate
Gill Newton


I create and use large-scale datasets to reveal the changing demographic and economic behaviour of past generations. Both at a local, micro-geographical level and the wider picture of regional variation across the UK.

Much of my research involves linking individuals in historical records. At the Cambridge Group for the History of Population and Social Structure I've been involved with many projects: early modern London's demography, the urban disease environmentoccupational structure, Poor Law expenditure and institutional residents, and nineteenth century employers and businesses. I also resurrected key legacy datasets that established the population history of England.

I am currently working on a research project on nineteenth century Glasgow entrepreneurs at the University of Strathclyde, led by Prof Graeme Acheson and funded by the Leverhulme Trust.


Tags & Themes


University of Strathclyde Business School, Glasgow, G4 0QU



2021: Gill Newton: ‘Diagnosing rickets in early modern England: statistical evidence and social response’, Social History of Medicine, forthcoming,

2020: George Alter, Gill Newton and Jim Oeppen: ‘Reintroducing the Cambridge Group Family Reconstitutions’, Historical Life Course Studies, 9, 24-48.

2020: Bennett, R., Smith, H., van Lieshout, C., Montebruno, P., Newton, G. British Business Census of Entrepreneurs, 1851-1911. [data collection]. UK Data Service. SN: 8600,

2020: Gill Newton and Robert Bennett: ‘Record linkage of entrepreneurs in the English and Wales Censuses 1851-91 using BBCE and I-CeM’,

2020: Smith, R., Davenport, R., Newton, G. London weekly bills of mortality, 1644-1849. [data collection]. UK Data Service. SN: 854104,

2020: Williams, S., Newton, G., Satchell, M. Workhouse populations, 1851-1911. [data collection]. UK Data Service. SN: 853999,

2019: Gill Newton: ‘Data mining Family History Society Burials’, Cambridge Working Papers in Economic and Social History No. 34,

2019: Bennett, RJ, Smith, H, Van Lieshout, C, Montebruno, P and Newton, G: The Age of Entrepreneurship: Business Proprietors, self-employment and corporations since 1851, Routledge

2017: Radicic, D., Bennett, R. and Newton, G. ‘Portfolio entrepreneurship in farming: Empirical evidence from the 1881 England and Wales census’, Journal of Rural Studies, 55, 289-302

2016: Satchell, A., Kitson, P., Newton, G., Shaw-Taylor, L., Wrigley, E. 1851 England and Wales census parishes, townships and places. [data collection]. UK Data Service. SN: 852232,

2015: R. J. Bennett and Gill Newton: ‘Employers and the 1881 Population Census of England and Wales’, Local Population Studies, 95:1, 29-49

2014: Gill Newton: ‘Marriage among Londoners before Hardwicke's Act of 1753: when, where and why?’, Continuity and Change, 29:2, 151-180

2013: Gill Newton and Richard Smith: ‘Convergence or divergence? Mortality in London, its suburbs and hinterland between 1550-1700’, Annales de démographie historique, 2, 17-49

2011: Gill Newton: 'Infant mortality variations, feeding practices and social status in London between 1550 and 1750', Social History of Medicine, 24:2, 244-259

2011: Gill Newton: ‘Recent developments in making family reconstitutions’, Local Population Studies, 87, 84-89