Dr Magnus Ryan
University Associate Professor
- History of political ideas in the medieval period
- Law and politics in medieval Europe
Tags & Themes
Cambridge CB2 1RD
Key Publications
- Bartolus of Sassoferrato. Three Tracts on City Government and Related Writings, edited and translated with George Garnett (Cambridge 2024)
- 'History and Universality in Roman Law before 1600', in John Robertson (ed.), Time, History, and Political Thought (Cambridge 2023), pp. 54-66.
- 'Lombardist Glosses on Feudal Custom: Text, Gloss and Usus Feudi', in S. Lepsius (ed.), Juristische Glossesn als Mittel rechtswissenschaftlicher Rationalisierungen. Erfahrungen aus dem europäischen Mittelalter – vor und neben den groβen Glossae ordinariae (Berlin, 2022), pp. 65-80.
- 'Codification in the Western Middle Ages', co-written with E. Conte, in Diverging Paths? The Shapes of Power and Institutions in Medieval Christendom and Islam, edited by J. Hudson and A. Rodriguez (Brill, 2014), 75-97.
- 'Political Thought', in The Cambridge Companion to Roman Law, edited by D. Johnston (Oxford University Press, 2014), 423-51.
- 'Feudalism', article in The Sage Encyclopedia of Political Theory (Los Angeles/London 2010).
- 'Corporation Theory', article in Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy (Dordrecht 2010).
- 'Feudal Succession,' in J. Cairns and P. Duplessis (eds), From Casus to Regula (Edinburgh 2010), 143-157.
- 'Zur Tradition des langobardischen Lehnrechts', in G. Dilcher and D. Quaglioni (eds), Die Anfänge des öffentlichen Rechts, 2. Von Friedrich Barbarossa zu Friedrich II., (Bologna/Berlin, 2009), pp. 225-245.
- Maitland. State, Trust and Corporation, ed., with D. Runciman, (Cambridge 2003).
- 'Widerstandsrecht und Lehnswesen', in Wissen, Gewissen und Wissenschaft im Widerstandsrecht (16.-18. Jh.) /Sapere, coscienza e scienza nel diritto di resistenza (XVI-XVIII sec.), ed. K-H. Lingens and A. de Benedictis (Studien zur europäischen Rechtsgeschichte 165, Frankfurt am Main 2003), pp. 49-80
- 'Rulers and Justice, 1200-1500', in The Medieval World, ed. P.A. Linehan, J.L. Nelson (London 2001), pp. 503-517
- 'Bartolus of Sassoferrato and Free Cities', Transactions of the Royal Historical Society (2000), pp. 65-89
- 'The Oath of Fealty and the Lawyers' in Politische Ideen im Mittelalter. Theorie und Wirklichkeit der Macht (Veröffentlichungen des Max Planck Instituts für Geschichte), eds. J. Canning, O.-G. Oexle (1999), pp. 209-226
- 'Ius Commune Feudorum in the Thirteenth Century', in ... Colendo iustitiam et iura condendo... Federico II Legislatore del Regno di Sicilia nell'Europa del Duecento. Per una storia comparata delle codificazioni europee, ed. A. Romano (Rome 1997), pp. 51-65.