Dr Christopher Briggs

BA University of Oxford
PhD University of Cambridge
2003-2006 British Academy Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Cambridge Group for the History of Population and Social Structure, Department of Geography, University of Cambridge
2006-2009 Research Associate on the AHRC-funded project 'Private Law and Medieval Village Society: Personal Actions in Manor Courts, c.1250-1350', Cambridge Group
2009-2011 Lecturer in Medieval History, University of Southampton
My research addresses a number of questions relating to society, economy, and the law in England and Europe during the later middle ages (1200-1500). My doctoral research was on the history of credit in the rural economy in fourteenth-century England, and in 2009 my book on this subject appeared in the British Academy’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Monographs series. I am also interested in the place of law and institutions in medieval society and economy, and in particular their role in allowing people to enforce agreements and commercial transactions. Another ongoing focus of my research is the participation of medieval English peasants in the wider legal system beyond the village, in particular the royal courts. In 2016-20 I was co-investigator on the interdisciplinary research project 'Living Standards and Material Culture in English Rural Households 1300-1600', funded by the Leverhulme Trust, and I continue to work on this theme. This involves exploring the possessions of rural people in the later middle ages, as part of an attempt to chart long term changes in living standards.
I am very interested in supervising graduate students working on any aspect of the economic or social history of England between c.1200 and c.1500.
Lectures and supervisions for Part IA Outline 2, The British Isles in the Middles Ages c.800-c.1500. I co-teach (with Andrew Spencer) a 3rd year Special Subject: 'The Little Lion - Edward III's England, 1327-1347'. I also contribute to teaching for the IA Sources paper 'Making and Spending Money in the Middle Ages', and to the M.Phils in Economic and Social History and Medieval History.
I am an Advisory Editor of Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought, and President of the Cambridgeshire Records Society.
Tags & Themes
Selwyn College
Office Phone: 01223 3 35865
Key Publications
- 'Women, legal status and market participation in late medieval England: some thoughts on recent research', Cuadernos Medievales, 35 (2023)
- B. Jervis, C. Briggs, A. Forward, T. Gromelski and M. Tompkins, The material culture of English rural households c.1250-1600 (Cardiff University Press, 2023), open-access monograph
- 'Current trends and future directions in the rural history of later medieval England (c.1200-c.1500)', Rural History, 34 (2023)
- A. Forward, B. Jervis, C. Briggs, M. Tompkins, T. Gromelski (2021) Living Standards and Material Culture in English Rural Households 1300-1600: Digital Archive [data-set]. York: Archaeology Data Service [distributor] https://doi.org/10.5284/1085022
- 'Rural households and the market for commodities in the later middle ages', in M. Muller ed., The Routledge Handbook of Medieval Rural Life (2021)
- (with P. Schofield) 'The evolution of manor courts in medieval England c.1250-1350: the evidence of the personal actions', Journal of Legal History, 41 (2020)
- (with Alice Forward, Ben Jervis and Matthew Tompkins) 'People, possessions and domestic space in the late medieval escheators' records', Journal of Medieval History, 45 (2019)
- (edited with Jaco Zuijderduijn) Land and credit: mortgages in the medieval and early modern European countryside (Palgrave, 2018)
- 'Peasants, lords, and commerce: market regulation at Balsham, Cambridgeshire, in the early fourteenth century', in M. Kowaleski, J. Langdon and P.R. Schofield eds., Peasants and lords in the medieval English economy: essays in honour of Bruce M.S. Campbell (Brepols, 2015)
- (edited with P.M. Kitson and S.J. Thompson) Population welfare and economic change in Britain, 1290-1834 (Boydell and Brewer, 2014)
- 'Manorial court roll inventories as evidence for English peasant consumption and living standards, c.1270-c.1420'. In, Furio, A. and Garcia-Oliver, F. (eds.) Pautes de Consum i Nivells de Vida al Món Rural Medieval. Valencia, Spain, Publicacions de la Universitat de València (forthcoming)
- (with P. Schofield) 'Understanding Edwardian villagers' use of law: some manor court litigation evidence', Reading Medieval Studies, XL (2014; Special issue: Law's dominion: medieval studies for Paul Hyams)
- 'English serfdom, c.1200-c.1350: towards and institutionalist analysis', in S. Cavaciocchi (ed.), Schiavitù e servaggio nell'economia europea secc. xi-xviii / Serfdom and slavery in the european economy 11th-18th centuries (Florence, 2014)
- 'Introduction: law courts, contracts and rural society in Europe, 1200-1600', Continuity and Change, 29 (2014; Special issue: Law courts, contracts and rural society in Europe 1200-1600, ed. CB)
- 'Monitoring demesne managers through the manor court before and after the Black Death', in R. Goddard, J. Langdon, and M. Muller, Survival and Discord in Medieval Society. Essays in Honour of Christopher Dyer (2010)
- Credit and Village Society in Fourteenth-Century England (2009)
- 'Seigniorial control of villagers' litigation beyond the manor in later medieval England', Historical Research, 81 (2008)
- 'The availability of credit in the English countryside, 1400-1480', Agricultural History Review, 56 (2008)
- ‘Manor court procedures, debt litigation levels, and rural credit provision in England, c.1290-c.1380’, Law and History Review, 24.3 (2006)
- 'Empowered or marginalized? Rural women and credit in later thirteenth- and fourteenth-century England', Continuity and Change, 19 (2004)