Dr Arthur Asseraf

I am a historian of modern France, North Africa, and the Mediterranean, with particular interests in the history of media, colonialism, and race.
Born and raised in Paris, I first came to the UK to study at Cambridge. Since then, I have spent time studying in the USA, UK, and Lebanon, before returning to Cambridge to join the History Faculty in 2017. I have also held visiting positions in France and Sweden.
Aside from my research and teaching activities, I write and contribute to media in a variety of formats on contemporary issues in North Africa, France, and on the history of colonialism more broadly.
For undergraduates, I contribute to teaching in modern European history and 20th century World History. I teach a Special Subject for third year undergraduates on the global history of radio. For graduate students, I contribute to the Modern European and World History MPhils.
Tags & Themes
Pembroke College, Cambridge CB2 1RF
Colonisations: notre histoire (Seuil, 2023) (co-coordinator)
Le désinformateur, sur les traces de Messaoud Djebari, (Fayard, 2022), Winner 2024 Prix lycéen du livre d'histoire
Electric News in Colonial Algeria, (Oxford University Press, 2019), Winner, 2020 Middle East Studies Book Prize
Selected other publications
'Return to Orléans: Racism, Rumor, and Social Scientists in 1960s France', Comparative Studies in Society and History, 2024
‘Mass Media and the Colonial Informant: Messaoud Djebari and the French Empire, 1880-1901’, Past & Present, February 2022, 161-192
‘La mer immédiate: nouvelles, télégraphe et impérialisme en Méditerranée, 1798-1882’, Monde(s), 16/2, November 2019.
'"A New Israel": Colonial Comparisons and the Algerian Partition that Never Happened', French Historical Studies, 41:1, 2018.
'Making their own internationalism: Algerian Media and a few others the League of Nations Ignored, 1919-1943' in Tworek, Brendebach and Herzer (eds.) Exorbitant Expectations: International Organizations and the Media in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, (Routledge, 2018)
'Weapons of Mass Representation: Algerians in the French Parliament 1958-1962', in Eldridge and Aissaoui (eds.) Algeria Revisited: History, Culture and Identity (Bloomsbury, 2017).