Dr Anjali Bhardwaj Datta

I am a historian of Modern South Asia, with particular research interests in socio-economic history, postcolonial feminism, migration, labour and urban transformations in the Global South. I was educated in Delhi, and then moved to Cambridge for my PhD at Trinity College which was fully funded by the Gates-Cambridge Trust, and was awarded The Ellen MacArthur Prize by the Faculty of History. In 2016, I was awarded Isaac Newton and Leverhulme Trust funded Early Career Fellowship on Gender and Urban informalities in South Asia at the Centre of South Asian Studies. I am currently a Governing body Fellow and Part I Director of Studies in History at Wolfson College. I lecture and supervise on Part I Papers 21 and 23 and Part II Paper 28, and various HAP topics. I also teach on MPhil in World History and MPhil in South Asian Studies.
Historical Tripos: Part I: Paper 21 and Paper 23; Part II: HAP and dissertations
Postgraduate supervisor: MPhil. in World History and MPhil. in South Asian Studies
I lecture and supervise students on Paper 21 and Paper 23 of Historical Tripos and MPhil in World History and MPhil in South Asian Studies. At Wolfson College, I am a Fellow and College Mentor, Convenor of Humanities Society and Director of Studies in History Part I.
Tags & Themes
Wolfson College, Barton Road
Cambridge CB39BB
Office Phone: 01223 (3)35391
Key Publications
'A Country of Her Making: Women's Negotiations of Society and Politics in Post-Colonial India', South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies, 44:2, 2021.
'Nation and its Other Women: Muslim Subjectivity and Gendered Agency', South Asia, 44:2, 2021
'Useful and Earning Citizens: Gender, State and the Market in Post-colonial Delhi', Modern Asian Studies, 53:5, 2019.
Genealogy of a Partition City: War, Migration and Urban Space in Delhi', South Asia, 42:1, 2019.
A City in Motion: Gender, Migration and Decolonisation, 1939-1965 (forthcoming).
'Gendering Oral History of Partition', Economic and Political Weekly, 41:22, 2016.