Jethro Calacday

PhD Candidate

Dissertation: A Catholic Empire: American Imperialism and the Roman Catholic Church in the Philippines

Supervisor: Dr Andrew Preston

Global Catholicism; Philippine history; American religious history; American imperialism; Southeast Asian history


Tags & Themes



Calacday, Jethro. 2024. Review of Religion and US Empire: Critical New Histories, by Tisa Wenger and Sylvester Johnston. H-Diplo. [link here]

Calacday, Jethro A. E. A. 2021. Racializing reform: Bishop Francisco Gaínza and the Creation of the Native Clergy in the Philippines, 1863–1879. Saysay: The Journal of Bikol History 1(1): 38–80. [link here]

Calacday, Jethro. 2021. Beyond the separation of church and state: US imperialism, Catholicism, and the Philippines in recent historiography. Philippine Studies: Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints 69(2): 291–310. 

Calacday, Jethro. 2020. Review of The convents of Manila: Globalized architecture during the Iberian Union, by Pedro Luengo. Philippine Studies: Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints 68(2): 277-281.

Calacday, Jethro. 2019. When was the Seminary of Nueva Caceres founded? A historiographical excursus. Philippine Studies: Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints 67(2): 236–259.