Emiliano Travieso wins Gerschenkron Prize


Emiliano Travieso wins Gerschenkron Prize

Congratulations to Emiliano Travieso on winning the Gerschenkron Prize of the Economic History Association (of the USA) for the best dissertation of 2020 on the economic history of anywhere outside North America.

Dr Travieso did the M.Phil. in Economic and Social History in Cambridge before going on to complete his PhD in the Faculty in 2020. His dissertation is entitled 'Resources, Environment, and Rural Development in Uruguay, 1779-1913'.

Using mixed methods, the study examines the agrarian roots of long-term development in Latin America through of case study focused on agricultural change in Uruguay in the long nineteenth century. Professor Steven Nafziger, convenor of the Gerschenkron Prize session at the EHA conference, described the dissertation as 'a wonderfully written and deeply researched work that exemplifies the best of interdisciplinary inquiry in our field.'

Dr Travieso teaches Economic History at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, where he is currently a postdoctoral fellow at the Carlos III-Juan March Institute of Social Sciences.

The full citation for the award will be published in the Journal of Economic History.