Ryan Blank
I recently submitted my PhD thesis, 'Tractarian Male Friendships, Intimacies, and Identities in Nineteenth-Century England' which investigated the way in which Tractarian men conceptualised the emotion and experience of friendships within the Oxford Movement and the implications this had on the intellectual and theological development of the Movement.
I am currently working on revising a series of essays about Tractarian education and am in the early stages of research on a new research project to be called, 'Pilgrims or Gentlemen: Negotiating Faith and Manhood in Grand Tour Travel Narratives, 1700-1800' which will explore the intersections between national identity, religious experience and encounters, and masculinity in English Grand Tour Travel Narratives.
Before coming to Emmanuel College for doctoral studies, I studied at Oriel College, Oxford; St Edmund's College, Cambridge; and Brigham Young University.
Alongside my academic research and teaching, I also teach History and Politics at Harrow School, in London.