Elena Yi-Jia Zeng

PhD Candidate in Political Thought and Intellectual History
Postdoc in Political Theory, Princeton University Center for Human Values
Postgraduate Member, Royal Historical Society

My doctoral thesis 'The Politics of Belief in David Hume and Enlightenment Scepticism' investigates scepticism's role in modern moral and political thought, supervised by Professor Richard Bourke FBA. It reconstructs Hume's thought as a sceptical project situated in the history of scepticism from Pierre Bayle to the Kant-Jacobi debate. I show that the relationship between faith, science and philosophy was the primary concern for thinkers in this period. I argue that Enlightenment scepticism aims at exercising a stabilising effect on society and politics through educating public opinion, which further encourages a pluralist political culture that accommodates disagreement, addresses credulity, and curtails extreme beliefs. In advancing this perspective, my work overturns the binary understanding of Pyrrhonian and Academic Schools and the stereotype of scepticism’s negative impact derived from the British idealists’ interpretation. I suggest that Enlightenment scepticism's multivalency and constructiveness, in historical terms, laid the ground for contemporary liberalism. 

I have been appointed as the Postdoctoral Researcher in Political Theory at Princeton University Center for Human Values, starting in September 2024. I will be developing this project into a monograph.

I was elected as a Postgraduate Member of the Royal Historical Society in 2022. Before Cambridge, I obtained the MA in History of Political Thought and Intellectual History from University College London and Queen Mary University of London with Distinction. My BA dissertation won the best undergraduate research award in Taiwan.

Enlightenment political thought and intellectual history 

British and Irish political history c. 1700–present

political epistemology

ethics of belief

‘Scepticism and the Justification of Political Legitimacy in Harrington, Montesquieu and Hume’, Early Career Seminar in the History of Political Ideas, Institute of Historical Research, 8 May 2024, London, UK.

'Opinion and Prudence from James Harrington to David Hume', British and Irish Association for Political Thought Conference, Jesus College, University of Cambridge, 4–6 January 2024, Cambridge, UK.

'The Role of Philosophy in Hume’s Critiques of British Imperial Politics', Early Moderns on the Power of Philosophy, University College Dublin, 14–15 October 2022, Dublin, Ireland.

'Hume’s Political Epistemology and the Critiques of Empire', Histories of Knowledge: Political, Historical and Cultural Epistemologies in Intellectual History, ISIH Conference, Università Ca' Foscari, 12-15 September 2022, Venice, Italy.

‘History as the Ethics of Belief: the Case of Hume’s History of England’, Intellectual History Graduate Conference, European University Institute, 7–8 June 2022, Florence, Italy.

'Belief and Action in Hume’s Religion', Naturalizing Religion in the Scottish Enlightenment Conference, organised by the Center for Ethics, University of Antwerp and the Institute for the Study of Scottish Philosophy, 8–10 September 2021, Antwerp, Belgium.

'Adam Ferguson on Political Representation and the Liberty of the British Empire', Oxford Graduate Conference in Political Theory, 26–27 April 2021, online.

'Empire and Liberty in Adam Ferguson's Republicanism', Research Center for Humanities and Social Science, Academia Sinica, 21 August 2020, Taipei, Taiwan.

'Beyond Liberal and Conservative: The Third Way of Reading Hume', Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, 13 August 2020, Taipei, Taiwan.

History of Political Thought from c.1700 to c.1890 (Part I Paper 20/POL 8)

States between States: the history of International Political Thought from the Roman Empire to the Early Nineteenth Century (Part II Paper 6)


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515 King's College, Cambridge, CB2 1ST


Key publications

Peer-reviewed Journal Articles & Book Reviews

'The Role of Philosophy in Hume's Critique of Empire', International Journal of Philosophical Studies, 31:2 (2023), 136–57. DOI: 10.1080/09672559.2023.2235580.

'Empire and Liberty in Adam Ferguson’s Republicanism', History of European Ideas, 48:7 (2022), 909–29, DOI: 10.1080/01916599.2022.2040045.

‘The Multifaced Hume’, New History, 32:2 (2021), 331–42.

‘The Role of Consent in Locke’s Theory of State’, Historical Inquiry, Journal of National Taiwan University, 66 (2020), 201–36.

‘The Political Ideal of the Enlightenment in the American Revolution’, Intellectual History, 9 (2019), 491–506.

‘The Historical Depth of Ancient and Modern Political Thought: On Melissa Lane’s Greek and Roman Political Ideas’, New History, 30:1 (2019), 167–78.

‘A Review of Alexander Broadie’s A History of Scottish Philosophy’, National Taiwan University Philosophical Review, 56 (2018), 177–202.

Commissioned Article

Scepticism from the Pyrrhonian Crisis to Hume‘, Journal of the History of Ideas Blog, 28th July, 2021.

Edited Collection

Guest-editor of the special issue 'David Hume and Political Epistemology', Cosmos and Taxis, 12:1–2 (2024).