Dr Daniel McKay


I am an historian interested in global and imperial history with a focus on the political, constitutional, and social relationships between Britain and the settler colonies in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Having graduated with an MPhil in World History at the University of Cambridge, I proceeded on and have recently finished my PhD under the supervision of Professor Saul Dubow working on the Colonial and Imperial Conferences(1887-1937). Before that I undertook my undergraduate studies at the Australian National University (ANU) in Canberra graduating with a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) and Bachelor of Laws (Honours) and the Mick Williams Prize for History. In 2016, I received the Max Kelly Medal awarded annually to a beginning historian for a work of excellence in any aspect of Australian history by the History Council of New South Wales and have previously won the Francis Forbes Society prize for Australian Legal History, been highly commended in the NSW Professional Historians' Association Public History Prize and won the History Category of the international Undergraduate Awards. I have held Summer Research Scholarships at the School of History at ANU and at the University of Queensland and am an Associate Fellow of the Royal Commonwealth Society. I have been fortunate in my postgraduate studies to have been supported by a C.A.S. Hawker Memorial Scholarship and a Smuts Cambridge International Scholarship.

  • British political history since 1880 (Paper 6)
  • Empires and world history from the fifteenth century to the First World War (Paper 21)
  • ‘Idealising Unity at the Colonial and Imperial Conferences, 1887–1937’, Spectacles of Decline: The Waning British Empire, University of Chicago (8 March 2021).
  • ‘Political Networking and the Remaking of Empire at the Colonial and Imperial Conferences, 1887–1937’, Modern British History Workshop, University of Cambridge (5 December 2020).
  • ‘Australia at the Imperial Conferences, 1887-1937’, Australian Studies in Britain and Ireland Symposium (15 May 2020 - Postponed due to the Coronavirus).
  • ‘Rethinking the Colonial and Imperial Conferences, 1887-1937’, New Directions in Commonwealth History Workshop, Institute of Commonwealth Studies (6 May 2020).
  • Convenor, Greater Britain? Rewriting the Settler Colonies into the History of British Imperialism, University of Cambridge. (17 March 2020).
  • Convenor, World History Workshop, University of Cambridge (2020-21).
  • British Empire and Commonwealth
  • Global and Imperial History
  • Australian History 
  • Political and Cultural History
  • Constitutional History
  • Book History 

Key publications