Odile Liliana Panetta

PhD candidate in Early Modern Intellectual History
Odile Liliana Panetta

I completed a BA in History at University College London in 2017, focussing on early modern intellectual and cultural history. For my undergraduate dissertation, 'Folly, Social Critique and Philosophy in Sixteenth-Century Italy', I was awarded the Burns Prize for Highest Mark in a Special Subject Dissertation. I have recently completed an intercollegiate MA in History of Political Thought and Intellectual History at UCL and Queen Mary, University of London; I received the Quentin Skinner Prize for my performance on the master's course. My MA dissertation explored the significance of the literary trope of the 'Sileni Alcibiadis' in Renaissance thought.

I am broadly interested in the philosophical and religious thought of Renaissance authors, particularly humanism and its aftermath in sixteenth-century Italian culture. My research focusses on arguments for religious toleration and on the relationship between religious and political authority as developed in the writings of a number of sixteenth-century Italians who fled the peninsula to embrace radical forms of Protestantism.


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Key publications

'Heresy and Authority in the Thought of Théodore de Bèze', Renaissance and Reformation / Renaissance et Réforme 45.1 (2022), pp. 33-72. https://doi-org.ezp.lib.cam.ac.uk/10.33137/rr.v45i1.39113